Improves Behaviour

Behaviour Smart provides continuous professional development for staff through incident reflection, Incident analysis and AI support.

Produces accurate SMART plans

The intelligent Behaviour Smart algorithm helps produce accurate and effective SMART plans / risk assessments. The plans highlight common behaviours, responses and alternative strategies for next time.

AI Support

The AI tool analyses the information you have added to an incident report and generates written content to assist you. You are able to select from a number of preprogrammed actions (prompts) to help you. For example, Behaviour Smart AI can help you write a letter to a child’s parent or guardian, recommend actions to help you manage the incident at play or suggest improvements to future behaviour management strategies.

Self Reflection

Incident reports should be more than a data collection exercise. Our incident recording process encourages staff to reflect on incidents and alternative strategies that could support the individual better.

Makes analysing behaviour data easy

Behaviour Smart automatically generates clear graphs and charts on the information you want to see, when you want to see it. HeadlineBehaviour Smart automatically generates clear graphs and charts on the information you want to see, when you want to see it.

Focus on post incident learning for all involved

We learn more from mistakes than we do successes. Behaviour Smart records what staff and service users can learn alternative strategies for incidents that have taken place.

Logs positive behaviour

Behaviour Smart allows you to all behaviour and actions safely and securely. Logs can be easily added to the individuals SMART Plan.


Consistency is the key to good behaviour management. Behaviour Smart helps staff work together with students/service users to develop a consistent approach.

Records the effectiveness of incidents

Staff can easily record the effectiveness of interventions at the click of a button. The algorithm will self-populate the Behaviour Plan/Risk Assessment displaying the techniques used and their effectiveness.